Christujyothy Catechetical Centre
The diocesan catechetical centre is known as Christujyothi. It is responsible for the organization of faith formation through Sunday Schools from classes I-XII.
Priorities of the Catechetical formation
Formation the students in catholic faith and moralsTo form leaders in the Church and in the society
Active participation in the Church
Organization-Diocesan Level
There is a catechetical committee, and a central committee. The central committee gathers periodically and makes its contribution for the improvement of catechetical formation.
The catechetical year is divided into two semesters, with semester exams. Internal assessment is done for the overall performance of the students. For the Students of X and XII certificates are awarded after the diocesan exam
The students participate actively in the various activities of the parish. They participate in biblical and pastoral initiatives. Such as Logos Quiz, Kadukumani Mission Quiz, and other programmes. At the end of the academic year a scholarship examination is conducted for students from IV-X Classes, and the winners are awarded prizes.
Occasional refresher programmes are conducted for teachers, and they are awarded certificates of recognition when they complete a fixed period of time.
The Director and the central team visit Sunday schools and make evaluation, and prizes are given for the best Sunday schools.
The final session is organized from 2008 April with practical activities, called Suvisesholtsav. The teachers are given special training and special work books are used. In April 2008 it was conducted in 91 Sunday schools and the parish priests and the parishioner are very much spirited about the programmme
Organization-Parish Level
Both religious sisters and laymen offer their valuable service for the faith formation of the young generation. In the parishes Sunday Schools are organized by the parish priest and the formators, usually after the mass at 10 clock. The teachers gather together with the head master under the leadership of the parish priest to plan and evaluate the functioning of the Sunday school.